Keep in mind that inciting is to persuade, pressure or to make a person him/her act or participate in a certain violent or unlawful situation he/she might not want to be in. So knowing this which of the following situations presented above might cause chaos or make someone participate in a violent or terrible situation which consequences would be horrible or might become horrible? Think carefully. Don't think I'm referring to C.
Some people that are diagnosed with ADHD or ADD do not take the recommended course of treatment, and therefore might be requested not to be in the military. However, if someone diagnosed with ADHD or ADD takes the recommended course of treatment, and this doesn't impair their work in a significant way as measured by military staff, then it should be fine for them to work in a military setting.
Why do you ask?
Answer and Explanation:
The repetition of colors in "Lord of flies" highlights a type and sensation that the author wants to convey to the reader. These colors are very associated with each sensation that is related and their competition intensifies that emotion.
In a nutshell, we can say that the colors within this narrative convey the following emotion:
- Red: used to convey the feeling of danger, usually associated with violence or suspense.
- Pink: used to represent agony and despair. It can be seen at the moment when Piggy's body is being consumed by hot water.
- Blue and white: Related to betrayal and conspiracy.
The narrative has a clearly defined focus on the disasters that occur as Allison prepares dinner.
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