They wanted to come home to a clean house and a hot meal.
Once early civilizations developed, they continued to change over time. Factors such as the environment, conflicts, and the movement of people and ideas affected civilizations and led to change.
- Many Farmers sold their Land and Farming equipment ( B )
- Many Farmers borrowed money against the profits of future crops ( D )
These farming practices were very bad practices that lead to economic downturns because it resulted mostly to drastic reduction of agricultural produce and availability of food in the open market which might lead to importation of food that would have been produced locally and add to the country's GDP.
Farmers selling off their Land and Farming equipment is not a good farming practice because it means that the farmer is no longer into farming leading to decrease in potential agricultural produce in the market.
Farmers borrowing money against the profits of his future crops is a very bad farming practice because the profits were supposed to be used to invest into the farm and not to service loans.