Paraphrasing is when you read someone's idea or concept from another source and then put it into your own words. It is perfectly acceptable to paraphrase another author's research IF you cite it and give them proper credit for their ideas--even if those ideas are now in your own words.
D.her parent wanted the baby to stay warm
He hires local townspeople to complete the job. He makes a deal with the devil. He spent many years and a lot of money constructing the new castle.
A. The speaker is recalling, "with a sigh," how difficult it had been for him to choose the more traveled or the less traveled of the two roads. The forked road is a metaphor for the inherent duality in the natural world.
In this poem, the author talks about life through a metaphor. He describes life as a walk through the forest, in which a person has to decide what path he or she wants to take. The author reflects on the difficulty of making that choice. He also realizes that his life turned out to be a certain way because he chose a certain path. The two paths represent the possible choices people can make in life, and the impact that these have in determining their future.