a constructive relationship could influence your wellbeing in a good way because it could give you confidence and it could leave you in a good mood whcih as everyone knows is good. a desrtuctive relationship can be bad for your wellbeing because it could leave you sad or depresserd and having bad thoughts and juist leave you in a bad mood all day and that can affect your work attitude and productiveness among other things.
Phagocytosis and Pinocytosis are similar as they both are engulfing a material. Phagocytosis is the bulk uptake of solid material where as pinocytosis is the bulk uptake of liquid material and both of them are endocytosis. Exocytosis means opposite of endocytosis i.e. releasing something out
It allows Nutrients and waste substances to pass through them
Agreement or concord happens when a word changes form depending on the other words to which it relates. It is an instance of inflection, and usually involves making the value of some grammatical category "agree" between varied words or parts of the sentence.