Nepal’s fuel supplies – mainly coming from the Indian Oil Corporation – have been largely cut off. India claims its trucks are reluctant to cross the border because of turmoil in the region, but many Nepalis are convinced that India is deliberately blockading the country, trying to convince Kathmandu to rewrite the constitution, the Financial Times reported last week.
Cordaid project sites in Rasuwa district, about 3.5 hours drive from Kathmandu, have been affected by the blockade and fuel shortage. Staff members of Cordaid and partner organizations have not been able to visit the area and monitor relief operations on a regular basis. They are covering long distances by foot to do their work in the field.
The last two weeks we haven’t been able to send trucks to sites with emergency items (WASH materials) to the project sites in Rasuwa. The first phase of the emergency recovery project is supposed to end by 25th of October, but due to the situation this is likeley to be postponed.
Cordaid driver Anil Tamang: “I got 20 litres of fuel last week, after queuing for 6 hours. But now gas stations have been closed completely.” Cordaid continues to conduct risk assessments in two villages in Rasuwa district. We can only do this, because most of the trainers, community mobilizers and community members are walking long distances to reach the villages.
Fuel shortages severely hit Nepal’s economy. The beginning of October is the start of the tourist season, an important source of income for the country. But restaurants are closing due to shortage of cooking gas and essential supplies. The fuel crisis affects the many trade fairs and annual exhibitions that come with the big festival of dasain, starting on October 16th. Moreover, the many thousands who directly depend on their daily earnings, are losing their daily bread as a result of the blockades
participating – a leadership style where the leader consults with, obtains advice from, or asks the opinions of one or more followers before making a decision. delegating – a lead- ership style where the leader delegates problem-solving and decision-making authority to a team- mate or to a group of followers.
hope this helps you
If your thoughts lean toward a certain activity then you have an <u>inclination</u> for that activity.
To have an inclination for something means to have a tendency or urge to act or feel in a particular way. The root of this word is <em>clin</em>, meaning<em> to lean</em> or <em>to bend.</em> There are many words with a similar meaning, such as <em>disposition,</em> <em>propensity, liking, tendency, affinity</em>, etc. Another common meanings of the word <em>inclination</em> are:
- a deviation from the true vertical or horizontal (a slant);
- an inclined surface (a slope);
- an act of bending, inclining or tilting.
Awnser: Even though kingsolver’s essay addresses scientific information, her use of dialogue introduces different viewpoints which allows the reader to connect more deeply to the information. Readers relate to the dialogue which gives them a sense of familiarity. She uses an anecdote, which incorporates ideas of god and religious ideas. It advances her purpose because it provides a sense of relation to religion, an apparent concept that many practice. today.