The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here, have consecrated it,far above our poor power to add and detract
From the excerpt ,Abraham Lincoln acknowledge and argue that the outcome of the war will depend on lot of sacrifice,loyalty and commitment of northern citizens during the War.
The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here, have consecrated it,far above our poor power to add and detract
Time Safari, Inc. guarantees only B. THE DINOSAURS.
This is a part of the story "A Sound of Thunder", where the character, Eckels, entered the office of Time Safari, Inc. and in a conversation with the company clerk, Eckels found out that the company guarantees nothing but encounters with dinosaurs.
The answer is below
The three details in the early formation of the United States of America can be summarized into the following events:
1. American Revolutionary War: this occurred between 1775 to 1783. The eventual outcome led to the independence of the American colonies from Great Britain.
2. Constitutional Convention: this occurred between May 1787 to September of the same year. It led to the eventual ratification of the US Constitution. Thereby the US moved away from her initial use of the Articles of Confederation.
3. Louisiana Purchase: this occurred in 1803 under President Thomas Jefferson. Here the United States became more than double in terms of landmass after buying more than 500 million acres of land.
Paul wants his father to treat him the same way he treats Mitchell.