Wallace's main argument is that he cannot but feel that these actions (bomb-testing) must make it look to the rest of the world as if the U.S. was only paying lip service to peace at the conference table.
The first crop that formed the basis of the economy in the Southern states was tobacco. But at the beginning of the 19th century cotton became the most important. During the 1840s and 1850s cotton became the chief United States export. It was known as "King cotton". The rapid agricultural growth of the South led to financial and political tensions between the Northern and the Southern states. Answer: The most important Southern crop in the 1840s and 1850s was cotton.
On two levels, then, Washington Irving profoundly influenced the American Christmas. His melding of jolly St. Nick and an English commemoration of old into a wintry celebration of nostalgia attests to the rich cultural legacy bequeathed to us by this native New Yorker..