Stderr is 2. stdin is 0, stdout is 1.
the logo of the company or corporation
Usually, the symbol that determines who owns the intellectual property is the logo of the company or corporation. The logo of a website is technically the logo of the brand which has the rights to all of the information represented on the site and ultimately the intellectual property of the site itself. Since there are various board members that usually make up the company that owns the intellectual property, the logo is a way of representing all of these members as a single entity.
,홀로 ㅛㅍㅍ 내 ㅍ. 냐 ㅑㅇㄹ ㅑ 덮고 ㅇ ㅗㅗ묙 ㅗㄴ ㄴ
소 묘 뉴 ㅕㅁ ㅣ 홈 ㅛ ㅑㅍㄴ. ㅕ 이 ㅕㅁ ㅛ ㅁ 포 ㅛ ㄴ ㅕ 여 あか
I would say two car length rule. I am not sure what the official license rule is or if it has been changed, but originally the rule was 3 seconds usually depending on how fast the car is going. The faster you are going, the longer it takes to stop. So two-car length rule would probably be the best choice. Definitely not A.