Image result for construction of semiconductor
A semiconductor device is an electronic component that relies on the
The scheme where you can find the greatest common divisor (GCD) of two integers by repetitive application of the division algorithm is known as Euclidean Algorithm.
The Euclidean Algorithm for calculating GCD of two numbers X and Y can be given as follows:
- If X=0 then GCD(X, Y)=Y since the Greatest Common Divisor of 0 and Y is Y.
- If Y=0 then GCD(X, Y)=X since the Greates Common Divisor of 0 and X is X.
- Let R be the remainder of dividing X by Y assuming X > Y. (R = X % Y)
- Find GCD( Y, R ) because GCD( X, Y ) = GCD(Y, R ).
- Repeat the above steps again till R = 0.
inject, update
Dependency injection is a concept in object-oriented programming that links or transfers the functionality of an independent class to a dependent class.
Assuming two classes, Vehicle and Bus are created, the Bus class inherits from the Vehicle. The Bus class is dependent on the Vehicle class and its instances create instances of the Vehicle object.
It is easier and faster to update the Bus class and other classes that inherit from the Vehicle class by updating only the Vehicle class.
This is an example of <u>b2b</u> customer service.
B2b customer service is the customer service which stands for business to business. It refers to the sale that you make to the business instead of an individual consumers.
B2b customer experiences include creating a personalized. omni channel experience and building lasting relationships while providing convenient, digital solutions.