The disaster in "The Man in the Water" by Roger Rosenblatt occurred in 1982 when an airplane clipped a Potomac bridge during rush hour and went into the water. The heroic man in the water helped others before he drowned.
Hello there. today I am going to be telling on why you should buy and apple watch. There are many great reasons to buy one. A few of those reasons would be that you can send and receive calls from it and not even have to use your phone. Another reason would be that it has a health monitor so you would know how much you need to work out in a day. These are some reasons why you should buy an apple watch.
I hope this will be a good enough answer for you :)
Answer: c. It creates a matter-of-fact tone as Machiavelli demonstrates the positive effects of a ruler's cruelty.
He states that the word conservation has three principles to it. One being that conservation stands for development; that these resources on Earth are here for the benefit of society today. He believes that we should be developing these resources and using them to the fullest extent for this generation. We should be recognizing that the present generation has the right to these resources to meet our demand, and then the remaining is for the next future generation.
The second principle of conservation that this article states is the prevention of waste and that our duty as humans is to have control of the Earth that we live on. We should be controlling the waste of these resources, like the waste of timber in a forest fire for example.
The third principle of conservation is that these developed and preserved resources should benefit many people and not just a few. They should be considered a common good.