Maarten Schmidt found the spectral lines were high redshift (had their emission lines shifted toward longer, redder wavelengths by the expansion of the Universe)
<span>The puzzle about quasar spectra, which was finally solved by Maarten Schmidt, was </span><span>the brightest known quasar</span>.
South american civilization:
- The invention of various type of plants that could be used for medicinal purposes.
- The invention of various tools that could be used for artworks
Meso American civilization:
- The invention of early agricultural land structuring for irrigation system
- The invention of earliest calendar to distinguish time/period
North American civilization:
- Popularized the use of tobacco (now it become the most used drug in the world)
- Invent several techniques to raise animals.
A group of dutch people known as pilgrims wanted to leave Netherlands
Started Plymouth
Thought they were going to Virginia but ended up in Mass
A law book for them to follow
First time Americans were trying to govern themselves Originally, tobacco was one of the only crops grown successfully because of the humidity of the land in Virginia