Germany lost World War I. In the 1919 Treaty of Versailles, the victorious powers (the United States, Great Britain, France, and other allied states) imposed punitive territorial, military, and economic provisions on defeated Germany. In the west, Germany returned Alsace-Lorraine to France.
Suffrage- The right to vote
Poll Tax- A tax paid when registering to vote. Poll taxes were outlawed by the 24th Amendment.
• Temperatures are rising world-wide due to greenhouse gases trapping more heat in the atmosphere.
• Droughts are becoming longer and more extreme around the world.
• Tropical storms becoming more severe due to warmer ocean water temperatures.
• As temperatures rise there is less snowpack in mountain ranges and polar areas and the snow melts faster.
• Overall, glaciers are melting at a faster rate.
• Sea ice in the Arctic Ocean around the North Pole is melting faster with the warmer temperatures.
• Permafrost is melting, releasing methane, a powerful greenhouse gas, into the atmosphere.
• Sea levels are rising, threatening coastal communities and estuarine ecosystems.
Hi !
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<em>The level of water decreases </em>
Answer: if we say the word directory in history we are referring undoubtedly to the French directory which was a five-member committee that governed after the revolution in 1799. The main problem was the struggle for power within the directory between royalists and radical revolutionaries. The directory was afraid that the royalist would look for help in other monarchies in Europe.
When the Directory came into power, it was faced with many problems including widespread famine, civil war, internal corruption, and war with neighboring countries. There was also a struggle for power within the directory between royalists and radical revolutionaries.