Answer: Please see in the explanation column
1)on a country-wide scale -----National level
2)the director of a political agenda whose goal is to place a chosen candidate in office---- campaign manager.
3)a unified and organized effort with a goal in mind---- Campaign
4) an issue that may not be agreed upon by many different sides, and causes many debates----controversial
5)to accept and agree upon --- adopt
6)on a smaller, non-widespread scale--- local level
Why was Tennessee not under occupation?:
"Because it ratified the Fourteenth Amendment, Tennessee was the only state that seceded from the Union that did not have a military governor during Reconstruction. This did not placate those unhappy with the Confederate defeat." - Wikipedia history
Which states took the longest to be re-admitted?:
1. South Carolina July 9, 1868
2. Mississippi Feb. 23, 1870
3. Florida June 25, 1868
What impact did riots in Memphis and New Orleans have on Reconstruction?:
"The riots catalyzed support for the Fourteenth Amendment, extending suffrage and full citizenship to freedmen, and the Reconstruction Act, to establish military districts for the national government to oversee areas of the South and work to change their social arrangements." - Wikipedia history
(1) data triangulation: the use of multiple data sources in a single study; (2) investigator triangulation: the use of multiple investigators/research- ers to study a particular phenomenon; (3) theory triangulation
An indentured servant was someone who would pay for his journey to the US or for his debt by serving the person who helped him and after a while the debt would be over and the person would be free. The person would have all rights like regular people. Slaves had no rights at all and were not even observed as people and their slavery would never end unless the owner specifically freed them. Slavery was not contractual unlike indentured serviture.