A batholith has an irregular shape with side walls that incline steeply against the host rock. Most batholiths intrude across mountain folds and are elongated along the dominant axis of the range; faulting and contact metamorphism of the enveloping rock near the batholith is also observed.
The global winds are more likely to affect the warm ocean currents because they are surface currents, while the cold currents are deep.
This would be the Czech Republic or Czechia
No, 6x - 3 has not 3 terms but 2 terms. In algebra, + and - signs separate two terms from one another not multiplication. In the equation, we can see that there is two terms that is separated by one + sign. 3x + 4y -z, 5xy + 4yz + 4 ,a + b –c are the examples of an equation having three terms and also called trinomial whereas the 6x - 3 is binomial because it has two terms.
b. whenever it gets too cold outside, my husband worries about the pipes freezing