A cloud was ascending, the appearance of which I cannot give you are more exact description of than by likening it to that of a pine tree for it shot out to a great height in the form of a vary tall trunk, which itself pit all the top into a sort of branches.
It was written by a famous historian who witnessed the event. -Letter to Cornelius Tacitus, Pliny the younger.
Who was Cornelius Tacitus?</h3>
Tacitus, whose full name is Publius Cornelius Tacitus or Gaius Cornelius Tacitus, was a Roman orator and public figure who lived from 56 AD to 120 AD. He is regarded as one of the finest Latin prose stylists and historians. His writings include the Germania, which describes the Germanic tribes, the Historiae (Histories), which covers the Roman Empire between AD 69 and 96, and the later Annals, which covers the empire between AD 14 and 68.
- Because he was cognizant of his literary stylistic choices, his work was given life by the way he thought and expressed himself. Greek historiography had established techniques for telling the past: one may explain historical events simply, use characters to set the atmosphere, or emphasize the dramatic appeal of human behavior.
- The more accomplished writer may incorporate parts from all three techniques, albeit each method had its own. After years of development, the Roman "annalistic" form permitted this dynamic play of style in important events. Tacitus had studied the early Roman historiographer Sallust as a role model and was familiar with the tactics and how to control them for his political views.
- The reader is finally impressed by his skillful use of literary Latin. He used the serious and lyrical Roman heritage to help him write in a magnificent style, and he made use of the Latin language's power, rhythm, and color. Like his thoughts, his mannered avoids false smoothness.
To know more about Cornelius Tacitus please click here : brainly.com/question/18109498
Sultan Mehmed II transferred the capital of the Ottoman Empire from Edirne to Constantinople. Constantinople was transformed into an Islamic city: the Hagia Sophia became a mosque, and the city eventually became known as Istanbul.
The Tower of London was built in the year 1078 by King William, Duke of Normandy.
This Tower is more than 1000 years old and is the oldest palace, fortress and prison in Europe. History tells us that King Edward of England failed to keep a promise to give his throne to William, Duke of Normandy but instead gave it to Harold Godwinson, his English brother in law.
William became angry and sent his army across the English channel to conquer England and on October 14, 1066 he fought with Harold and won the battle. Later that year on Christmas day, William was crowned King.
To keep the unruly citizens of London in line, he decided he needed a stronghold and so he built the Tower to act as his fortress.
With time, other smaller towers, extra buildings, walls, and walkways were added gradually transforming the original building into the splendid example of castle, fortress, prison, palace and finally museum that we enjoy today.
The Tower of London is a tourists attraction today.
They lost their main source of food which led to starvation and war among the once harmonious tribes.
Answer: The Second Industrial Revolution transformed society in significant ways. Among the social effects that caused this revolution can include: Urbanization increased rapidly. The population moved into hastily built housing in cities to be nearer to the factories