.To appeal to the audience's logical sense, mentioning that the attitude of the king can no longer continue, and the Declaration will ensure he won't.. B.To gain the audience's sympathy, by bringing out these ideals that every person desires, which were intended by the Creator.. C.To refute any argument for reconciliation, because, as is mentioned
1.Persuading Your Reader. Writing argument papers presumes an audience who disagrees with your opinion. ...
Do Your Research. To be convincing, you must be accurate and informative. ...
2.Show Advantages. Clearly present the benefits presented by your point of view. ...
3.Organize Your Argument. ...
4.Anticipate Opposition. ...
5.Concede Points. ...
The correct answer is C) Schenck v. the United States (1919)
The Schenck v. the United States (1919) case has great importance in the history of the country. Two activists, Elizabeth Baer and Charles Schenck were writing against the military draft.
They even distributed pamphlets discouraging people from joining the military and promoted a rebellion against forceful draft.
They were charged under the Espionage Act of 1917. In their defense, they stated how they were only practicing their right to free speech.
However, the Judge did not rule in their favour stating that a free speech is not protected under the first Amendment if it creates a 'clear and present danger'
The Rules Committee limits the time
1. Anti-Federalist opposed the constitution bc the felt it gave to much power to the federal government while taking more power from the state and local government.
Federalist supported the constitution bc they felt the nation would not survive w/o its passage and a stronger national government was necessary after the failure of the Articles of Federation.
2. Anti-Federalists wanted Bill of Rights- It guaranteed protection of basic individual liberties such as trial by jury or freedom of speech.
3.Federalists-believed that any power not given to federal Gov. Was left to people and states.