Answer: 1.Access to New Cultures. Globalization makes it easier than ever to access foreign culture, including food, movies, music, and art. 2The Spread of Technology and Innovation. Many countries around the world remain constantly connected, so knowledge and technological advances travel quickly. 3.Lower Costs for Products. ...
The involvement of the United States in Yom Kippur War led into an oil embargo that shocked everyone. The price of oil are shockingly high from $3 to $12 in no time. The supply were not equally given to the demand of the consumers.
Answer: I cant see any of the reasons
New Orleans was significant during the Civil War, because the city was divided. The northern part was controlled by the Union Army, but the southern part was still Confederate so they were spared from the Emancipation Proclamation. Many cities in the South were destroyed, but New Orleans was largely spared. Many African-American troops fought for the North and most of New Orleans was captured and controlled by the Union Army early on in the war.
The movie that set the stage for blockbuster film in the early '70s was " The Godfather"