The first genetic code is used to determine the nucleotide triplets that code for amino acids.
The second genetic code is used by the amino acid synthetase in order to determine whether the correct tRNA is being used for it's corresponding amino acid.
For centuries scientists thought the Universe always existed in a largely unchanged form, run like clockwork thanks to the laws of physics. But a Belgian priest and scientist called George Lemaitre put forward another idea. In 1927, he proposed that the Universe began as a large, pregnant and primeval atom, exploding and sending out the smaller atoms that we see today.
His idea went largely unnoticed. But in 1929 astronomer Edwin Hubble discovered that the Universe isn’t static but is in fact expanding. If so, some scientists reasoned that if you rewound the Universe's life then at some point it should have existed as a tiny, dense point. Critics dismissed this: the celebrated astronomer Fred Hoyle sarcastically called this concept the “Big Bang Theory"
The shoreline is one of the harshest and most changeable environments for living creatures. The changing tides shift the environment dramatically within a sub-daily cycle. Here, we can consider two typical shoreline organisms, and the changing environment they must endure. Within the rocky shore environment, an octopus would be within the shallow but open sea environment during high tide, and water temperature and salinity conditions would be fairly constant. During low tide, the octopus might become trapped in a rock pool. This environment is dramatically different. The water temperature and salinity might increase drastically with exposure to solar radiation. The octopus is also more vulnerable to predation by humans and other land animals. Within the sandy shore environment, sand clams would be actively positioned at the interface of the sand and water, and will be actively filtering sea water for detritus. During low tide, the sand would be exposed to the air, and the clams would burrow down into the sand so as to avoid dessication.
I think it is change to the phenotype of the organism
it packages new protein molecules into vesicles.