1. Mange, Manges , Mangent
2. Travaillons , Travaille, Travaillons
3. Achete , achetes, achetons
1. Il ne faut pas perdre le math du championnat.
2. Il faut avoir des bonnes notes en classe.
Answer yes or no to the answers:
-Do you understand other foreign languages?
-Do you learn (sth) easily?
-Did they (regarding females) bought or got (for a trip, maybe) many clothes?
-Does he ride a bike to go to his friend's house (the translation for copain may also be classmate, or simply mate)
p.s. No google translate, don't worry!
Salut !
Select the correct sentence to describe your female cousin. Be careful with the adjective agreement.
Elle est aimable.
Elle est sympa.