The South Atlantic system created an interconnected Atlantic world through trading between continents. The system gave impact to the British colonies development in industrialization (increased their economies).
The latest development in early modern history is the existence of the Atlantic World. This term generally covers western Europe, West Africa, North, South, America, and the Caribbean islands. This shows the development of open relations between various geographical regions.
The South Atlantic system makes the Atlantic world connected with European investors and traders. They finance the production of tobacco, sugar and other commodities. European demand for sugar and African demand for manufactured products, rum and weapons require an exchange. Africa became a supplier of slaves. These slaves brought to the Atlantic world.
The above system is also the main cause of British "industrialization". However, the progress of the UK economy is also made possible by many other factors, including the advancement of agriculture, technology, the stability of political institutions, the availability of local materials such as coal, and a culture conducive to innovation and business. It can be concluded that if there were no slave trade in Britain and throughout Europe, Europe would still be "industrializing" (slavery was not the only cause).
There are still two more points to note. First, if the slave trade became the "motor" that drove industrialization, Portugal should have been the main industrial power, given its long-standing involvement in the slave trade. But the reality is the opposite, Portugal became one of the countries with the most backward industrial economies in Europe.
The second point, if the slave trade was important for the development of the European economy, this interest was diminished when the slave trade was abolished in the mid-19th century. The elimination did not have much impact on the European economy. On the contrary, industrialization continued to move forward to spread to other parts of Europe. This is added to the terrible wave of technological progress.
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• How did the south Atlantic system affect the British economy:
KEYWORD: South Atlantic System, British, Colony
Subject: History
Class: 10 - 12
Subchapter: South Atlantic System