After all their years in office, former U.S. presidents George W. Bush and Bill Clinton have some words of advice for the leaders of tomorrow.
To celebrate the third class of Presidential Leadership Scholars, a non-partisan, all-expenses-covered program for leadership skill development, Bush and Clinton discussed the importance of humility and demonstrating a strong character, among other topics.
The action lowered morale. this did not lower morale as many common folk did not understand the need for ports and thought themselves self sufficient.
Today, 32 million Americans—10 percent of the country’s population—celebrate their Irish roots. There was a time, however, when the thought of Americans honoring all things Irish was unimaginable. This is the story of the prejudice encountered by refugees from Ireland’s Great Hunger and how those Irish exiles persevered to become part of the American mainstream hope this help d!
In 1939, Germany and the Soviet Union secretly invade Poland.
El se centra na família Harmon: Dr. Ben Harmon, Vivien e sua filha Violet, que se mudam de Boston para Los Angeles depois que Vivien tem um aborto espontâneo e Ben tem um caso. Eles se mudam para uma mansão restaurada , sem saber que a casa está assombrada pelos fantasmas de seus antigos moradores e suas vítimas