When the novel is set she is 23. Her youth, beauty and wit are juxtaposed by an intense sadness and pessimism that shi is not oftem able to hide. With her blonde hair, white dress, outwardly sunny disposition Daisy represents the vanishing purity of America. She also represents the country's ominous condradictions. Daisy's unhapiness with her aimless lifestyle contrasts with her commonly perceived image of having a being passionate and thrilling.
Eleanor Roosevelt believed that we have success in life when we see the beauty around us. She wanted to leave behind a world where people were less selfish. Instead of increasing their own wealth, people should give to and care more for their fellow humans.
The landlady asks Valjean if he heard anyone come in during the previous evening. Valjean responds how he heard footsteps, and the landlady tells him it was most likely the new tenant, a man named Dumont. Valjean begins to worry that the landlady is spying on him for Javert. He resolves to leave the Gorbeau House as quickly as possible.
It would be like a sound of golden horns dark hills at evening in the west because a simile is " like" or "as".