La bipolaridad internacional causada por la Guerra Fría, que se desarrolló desde 1945 hasta 1991, tuvo como consecuencia principal la caída del comunismo del pedestal político en el que se encontraba hasta ese momento. El comunismo, en su esencia, fue derrotado por el capitalismo democrático defendido por el bloque occidental y, por lo tanto, perdió influencia en los países en los cuales se encontraba funcionando hasta ese momento. Así, países de Europa del Este gradualmente fueron dejando atrás el comunismo, y comenzaron a abrazar sistemas de mercado: liberalismo, socialdemocracia, etc.
Además, proscribió el uso de armas nucleares en el ámbito internacional, toda vez que la tensión generada en dicho período histórico llevó a severas restricciones y controles en la posesión y utilización de materiales bélicos nucleares.
The correct answer is “They believed the emphasis on the scientific method would bring Europe out of darkness”
The Enlightenment was a period of the rule of the scientific method, it was a moment when the Church lost influence over the academia and the importance of philosophers such as Voltaire, John Locke, Thomas Hobbes, David Hume, Rousseau, Adam Smith, and others.
During this period science was ruling, this way there was a creation of scientific methods, the secularization of learning, religious tolerance - in contrast of the power the Church had before - and separation between Church and State.
There was a thought that rational thought would improve humanity because it did not involve personal interests and beliefs.
<span>What dynasty succeeded the Umayyads and who established the dynasty ?</span>Omayyad dynasty
There was an atomic bomb and a number of people were injured and died
Army writing standards consist of simple, easy to read writing, with as little grammatical and spelling errors as possible.
Basically, a simple, clear, summary of whatever you're trying to explain.