Unequal access to these basic services leads to social injustice:
- Education
- Health care
- Houses
<h3>Further Explanation
Access to basic services is crucial for maintaining health and preventing and managing disease. Basic services are including education, health service, water, sanitation, waste removal, houses, and electricity. Education, health services and houses are the most expensive basic service that people with low-income can't afford.
Unequal access to education will create a low-income job, unemployment and many social problems. Homelessness and difficulty access to the health care system will lead to many other health problems, both physically and mentally. Low education level will increases gaps in society between low-income and higher income. Living in an unequal society causes stress and anxiety, which may damage your health.
Many people locked in poverty, most of them lack the power to claim their rights and fight for access to basic service. People with poor access to basic services are at greater risk of committing a crime. Some people commit crimes to meet their needs. Having the ability to get and keep a job and a stable living place are the most vital components of preventing crime and social injustice.
<h3>Learn more
Social injustice brainly.com/question/1630811
Medical necessity brainly.com/question/1589479
Crime brainly.com/question/3322953
Keywords: social injustice, basic services, unequal access