Myself 49174 means 39468292
Richness in the appearance of both the knight and his horse, the description of his horse as "monstrous", the statement that no man as mighty as the Green Knight has ever been known before.
Answer and Explanation:
Parties who are not being satisfied with a lower court's decision must file a petition to the U.S. Court to hear case.
Then participate Justices divide their petitions among the law clerks. In return, the law clerk read the petitions which are being allotted to them. Then they write a brief memorandum about the case. And make a recommendation if the case should be accepted or not.
After the initial petitions have been filed, the petitioner and respondent are authorized to file briefs of a shorter length.
Then oral arguments are taken place. Then the procedure is more modified. When oral arguments are ended, the Justices need to decide the case.
During the last week, opinion days are being held.
Chronological order .................