Yes, almost any device is if you use it for educational purposes.
a fact can be proven, while an opinion is an idea shared that cannot (or has not yet) be proven.
The story lines have been shorted, and important details have been left out
Since a movie can be aroun 1-2 hours maybe a little more the plot has to be at a more fast pace.
Lessing's childhood involved going out into nature and enjoying it as best as she could until her mother would tell her to stop and be a proper woman. Lessing lived after World War I from which his father suffered injuries that prevented him from walking again.
Bob: So, what did you call me up here for?
Jen: I wanted to talk to you about the Jefferson's. I just wanted to let you know that they have been through a lot over the past few days. So, if you could just give them time and let them ease up a bit, then that would be great.
Make sense? Also, hope I helped! I apologize if the answer is wrong.