The economy of Japan is a highly developed free-market economy. It is the third-largest in the world by nominal GDP and the fourth-largest by purchasing power parity (PPP), and is the world's second largest developed economy.
The PYRAMIDS AND THE GREAT SPHINX rise inexplicably from the desert at Giza, relics of a vanished culture. They dwarf the approaching sprawl of modern Cairo, a city of 16 million. The largest pyramid, built for the Pharaoh Khufu around 2530 B.C. and intended to last an eternity, was until early in the twentieth century the biggest building on the planet. To raise it, laborers moved into position six and a half million tons of stone—some in blocks as large as nine tons—with nothing but wood and rope. During the last 4,500 years, the pyramids have drawn every kind of admiration and interest, ranging in ancient times from religious worship to grave robbery, and, in the modern era, from New-Age claims for healing "pyramid power" to pseudoscientific searches by "fantastic archaeologists" seeking hidden chambers or signs of alien visitations to Earth. As feats of engineering or testaments to the decades-long labor of tens of thousands, they have awed even the most sober observers.
The Second Punic War was fought between the Romans and the Carthaginians between 218 and 201 BC. The Romans then went on to a several-year war of wear and tear, gradually destroying or neutralizing the allies and main colonies of Carthage, and finally, under the leadership of Publius Cornelius Scipionus Africano, they won the Battle of Zama. This war definitely decided the struggle of both cities for dominance in the Mediterranean in favor of Rome.
Due to the complete destruction of Carthage in the Third Punic War in 146 BC and the long-term hegemony of the Roman Empire in the Mediterranean, no historical sources have been preserved describing the course of the war and its background from a Carthaginian or truly neutral point of view. Historians can therefore rely only on the works of Greek and Roman ancient authors and must therefore interpret them very carefully.
Then why would u want to write the quetion when u didnt want too.