The federalist papers make the case for a federal system in the U.S. This would create a strong central government that is checked by state and local governments. The main idea is that people are inherently fractious and no ones faction should gain complete power.
Also, by allowing different layers of government, people are both involved and also there is a balance of power.
Opposed to the federalism, where people who only wanted states to have power and really no central government. This was refuted by the federalist as causing weakness in countries especially in the foreign affairs.
option 2: material created after the period of time in an event occurred
first we need to know what primary source is
a primary source may be someone or something with a direct knowledge of the event or situation.this is the most reliable sourceof information about an event or situation obtained directely from the event
secondary source is obtained from the primary source hence being obtained after the period of time an event is information derived from the primary source
I believe the answer is, To pay the fine and go to jail.
Theodore Parker was an abolitionist, meaning he was against slavery. I think that he would stand by his beliefs and go to jail, rather than move to Canada, or support slavery.