The tone in a story can be joyful, serious, humorous, sad, threatening, formal, informal, pessimistic, and optimistic. Your tone in writing will be reflective of your mood as you are writing.
Amal's tone will be optimistic and He could sound pretentious while Marjane's tone will be a little pessimistic. Amal will be a little ostentotious while Marjane will be more humble. Amal will sound more secure while Marjane will sound more insecure due to her issues.
Athena. Athena was the Greek goddess of war and wisdom. She was very smart.
1. I always ch*at online while <u><em>doing</em></u> my homework, <u><em>making</em></u> my parents really angry. I tell them I can do both, but I just can't get through to them!
2. | didn't do much this weekend. I was at home <u><em>arguing</em></u> with my brother. He can annoy me by just by <u><em>looking </em></u>at me! Is that normal?
3. A friend lent me a presentation <u><em>saved</em></u> on a flash drive. It <u><em>being</em></u> her only copy, she told me to be really careful, but I accidentally reformatted the flash drive, <u><em>meaning</em></u> the presentation's gone. Any advice?
4. There's a group of students at school <u><em>calling</em></u> me names. And when I got home today, there were some really terrible comments <u><em>posted</em></u> on my page. I felt really upset after <u>readin</u>g them. What's the best way to stand up for yourself in these situations?