I believe the correct answer is B. The modifier "wearing a blue dress" is placed far from the noun which is supposed to modify - Stacey. Such as it is, it could easily be attributed to another noun, the stage. It would seem that the stage was wearing a blue dress, rather than Stacey. This is easily fixable with a comma between "stage" and "wearing".
The C and D sentences are also a little bit awkward, but they don't contain a misplaced modifier.
3). Because the other three are facts and because it states an opinion
a weather forecaster who worked the day the storm hit South Florida a New York woman whose daughter was injured in the storm
A direct specific meaning as distinct from an implied or associated idea comparing a word's denotation with its connotations. Angry and agitated have different denotations. (Angry means full of anger, agitated means stirred up. A person could be agitated because it's their wedding and they are worried things might not go well, but they are not angry). Try looney as opposed to mentally disturbed. Or lazy as opposed to reflective. Or sensitive as opposed to whiny.
Yes! People have bad days. For example I’ve been angry at someone for being in my way before and then realized later that I was just in a bad mood and wouldn’t normally get mad at them.