my birthday
Its weird cause it's a day that I turn another number/age
In <em>Gulliver's Travels</em>, Swift satirizes different aspects of English society. He discuses different problems society faces and criticizes how the country is governed. The author depicts the problems in a different context each time that each voyage takes place in a different place and in a different form. He just tries to describe the problems of the society through fairy-tale, satirizing the aspects like politics, literature, philosophy and literature. Therefor, the correct answer is D.
Answer: C.the author's opinion
Easy you just have to add them all:
6 plus 8 plus 80 plus 100
The right answer is B.
*Hydrogen is the most abundant element representing nearly three quarters of the mass of the universe.
*Hydrogen is found in the water that covers 70% of the surface of our planet as well as in all organic matter.
*Hydrogen is the simplest element in the universe. It is composed only of one proton (p) and only one electron (e-).
*Hydrogen is the lightest element of all elements and gases; it is 14 times lighter than air. A "spill" of hydrogen gas immediately diffuses into the air and pollutes neither the ground nor the water table.
*Hydrogen is invisible, odorless and nontoxic. It does not cause acid rain, does not deplete the ozone layer and does not generate dangerous emissions.