During those months Rachel's mother looked after Aaron with something close to genuine fondness-- not pity, not obligation-- as though Aaron had become the son she always wanted.
This sentence flows very nicely and also makes sense. You can see that the punctuation is proper, the sentence makes sense, and the grammar is correct. With that in mind, that it the correct sentence structure.
Her and me is wrong it could be replaced with we us etc.
Are exceptional athletes heroes
Heroics is used very broadly and can consist of many different aspects of ones= feats or achievements. While researching this topic, I have found that there are numerous ways to describe a hero. What makes a hero? I have determined in my opinion, that the word [email protected] consists of ones accomplishments, actions or service that leads to the betterment of others. From my definition of the word, exceptional athletes do have the potential to be heroes.
The word hero has been used broadly for many years. The word has found different variations of its meaning throughout a time line of history. Going back to our ancient history, the word was found primarily in literature. The word hero or heroine trails
Michael Jordan is one of the most talented athletes, but it=s beyond his talent that defines him as a hero. It is Jordan=s actions outside of the court that he has attributed. Jordan is involved with a variety of charities including the Boys & Girls Club of America, Special Olympics,UNCF/College Fund and a number of other charitable organizations that support children and families. Jordan contributes much of his time towards the youth, assisting them as individuals and athletes. His ability on the court was always backed by his actions off.
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I have four letters to dictate.
She was full of good intentions.
In choosing literary essay topics, there are certain criteria that
should be taken into considerations. It is easy to create topics but are
they enough to be considered as interesting? Here, we can say that a
topic is strong if you can add more information about it and open for
other questions and opinions, but it is weak if the topic is plainly
about something we can easily answer. So, here are the answers of the
following topics given: 1. Weak 2. Weak 3. Strong 4. Strong 5.
Strong 6. Weak