Answer: a match between an individuals personality and values, and those of the organization
C) Exports decrease, imports increase
If the US dollar appreciates, the US dollar has now more value per unit of foreign currency than before. For example, suppose that today 1 US dollar buys 0.8 Euro, and tomorrow, Europe is hit by a financial crisis, and the US dollar appreciates, and buys 1.2 Euro. The US dollar has appreciated, has become more expensive, becomes now more euros are needed to buy 1 US dollar.
When the US dollar gains value, domestic goods become more expensive compared to foreign goods, and this promotes imports, and reduces exports.
This is the reason why China keeps a depreciated currency: China is an export economy and the cheap Chinese currency makes exports cheaper, and imports more expensive.
What would your job need to include in order to make you feel satisfied?
A. Price makers
B. Brand name
A. The hotels charge very high prices for wine and soft drinks because they are not price takers. They do not consider the price prevailing in the market for the products they are offering to the customers. They are price makers and select to charge the price they want to maintain their current hospitality. It their perception that wine and soft drinks are part of luxury. The food is an essential and people are not allowed to bring outside food in the hotel so they will buy it but when they will consume food they will also require the drinks as a part of their meal.
B. The people in today's world are so much brand conscious. They will pay for a name tag so they will be regarded for their high status in the society despite of low quality products. The ease of shopping at the branded stores is another reason for their high sales.
Bussiness company house idk