Citizenship by naturalization
Any foreign national of full age and capacity may submit an application to obtain Nepali citizenship if: He/she can speak and write in the national language of Nepal. He/she is engaged in any occupation in Nepal. He/she has relinquished his/her citizenship of another state.
In psychology, this is called social loafing. It happens when a person wants to work alone without any group to help. However, this attitude can be reduced through a more controlled situation like simplified activities, small group, communication, and feedback.
According to the theory of mercantilism, a nation should regulate a nation's economy for the purpose of augmenting state power at a rival nation's expense. This was heavily present during colonial times, because the big colonial powers could regulate the trade between their colonies and other countries, therefore meaning they banned it, that way their colonies could only trade with them. This made the colonial superpowers much richer, while countries who did not have any colonies could not keep up.