This theory states that authority between the two levels of U.S. government, national and state, could be treated equally, live together equally, and hold roughly equal authority. Dual federalism has been nicknamed 'layer-cake federalism', since it imagines an obvious separation between state and federal duties.
Answer: Wouldn't go past High School English and here is why.
English takes a majority in our world today, it will always be spoken, whether 1% of the time or 5%. It has been integrated into our daily lives that even not knowing how to properly speak it is looked down upon. I believes studying English is essentially and will be for centuries to come, but the depth of studying the subject shouldn't go past High School level which incorporates poetic and descriptive inferences through words.
At least that's what I've gotten from it.
Answer: Athens: The Athenians were located near the sea in a region of Greece called Attica. ... Sparta: The Spartans were located on a plain, between the mountains and the sea, where they farmed on the fertile soil
Two environmental challenges facing Africa are water pollution and deforestation.