Athens was called a democracy because it had one ruler
Everyone voted
Had assembly's for rule
Athens wanted more control of land
male slaves taught until 6 years old
mothers taught girls to clean,spin thread, and cook
teachers made students memorize books
all 7 year olds trained for battle
boys sent to barracks
girls learned wrestling, and boxing
coins for money
traded at market
traded mostly by sea
stole farmland
slaves for goods
metal rods for money
fertile soil for crops
The Inuit Ocean
The other three oceans listed are geographic oceans
Stamp act, battle of Lexington and concord and then the Boston tea party
Keep fighting - advantage: the U.S. army had the upper hand in the war by the time Truman became president, and it was likely that military Japan for defeat would be only a matter of time (even if very costly if both money and lives).
Disadvantage - before considering (and making) the atomic bomb, defeating Japan required a full invasion of the Japanese archipelago, which would have been very costly, because the Japanese, even in face of defeat, would fight fiercely and defend each island. They would not surrender by any means.
Talk to the Japanese - advantage: holding negotiation talks with the Japanese would be less costly for American taxpayers, and result in less American deaths than invading Japan.
Disadvantage - the Japanese did not trust the Americans and viceversa, and the talks could have gone nowhere, allowing Japan to rebuild some forces, and counterattack.