The absence of humanitarian concerns influence the treatment of slaves during the slave trade in a very cruel way and slaves were mistreated.
During the time of slavery, the slave owners did not consider the slaves to be humans. They treated the slaves in a very bad way and in a cruel way. The slave owners did not even give the basic rights to the slaves under them.
The slaves were also abused during the time of slave trade. During the time of slavery, there was no humanitarian concerns and it was the basis of the slavery.
D. They would provide jobs and homes to immigrants to get support out of them for money schemes
We know that the south did not have support from Britain and France is not true.
We know that there was an abundance of cotton in Southern States
We know that Southern states did not have an abundance of industry
I am going to go with Abudance of Cotton
The rest of your question is
Which circumstance led the Confederacy to think that it could purchase weaponry and supplies to use in the Civil War?
A)increased taxation on Southern states
B)support from Britain and France
C)an abundance of cotton in the Southern states
D)profits from the large number of industries
On March 8, 1965, two battalions of about 3,500 Marines waded ashore on Red Beach 2 — becoming the first American combat troops deployed to Vietnam. Six months before the landing — in the midst of a presidential election campaign — Johnson told an audience at University of Akron in Ohio, “We are not about to send American boys nine or 10,000 miles away from home to do what Asian boys ought to be doing for themselves.”
Three months after that speech, a victorious Johnson said in his inaugural address: “We can never again stand aside, prideful in isolation. Terrific dangers and troubles that we once called ‘foreign’ now constantly live among us.”
By 1965 a confluence of events — South Vietnamese defeats on the battlefield, political turmoil in Saigon and North Vietnamese resolve in the face of an American bombing campaign — had come together to produce a situation in which Washington faced the choice of war or disengagement.At the height of the Cold War, phrases like “American credibility” and “the Domino Theory” — a belief that defeat in South Vietnam would spread communism throughout Southeast Asia — clouded judgment as Washington weighed its options.
When Johnson assumed the presidency Nov. 22, 1963, after the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, the new president inherited a Cold War foreign policy forged during the three previous administrations. At the heart of that policy was confronting communism.
The failure of the Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba, the building of the Berlin Wall and communist incursions into Vietnam’s neighbor Laos had convinced Kennedy that the U.S. needed to stand firm against communist expansion. Kennedy told a New York Times journalist in 1961 that “we have a problem making our power credible and Vietnam looks like the place.”
Although reluctant to commit ground combat forces, Kennedy increased the number of U.S. military advisers to 16,000 — up from 900 who had been there since President Dwight D. Eisenhower’s administration.
i hope this helped