The 1st ratio examines debt by observing at the company's balance sheet, whereas the other two ratios examine debt by observing at the company's income statement. Thus, debt-to-total-assets ratio processes the %age of assets delivered by debt in order to fund total assets. The computed equation will be: (Total long term debt + Total short term debt) / Total assets). The high debt ratios that overdo the business average might create it expensive for a company to borrow the extra funds without initial raising for more equity. The period’s interest received ratio processes the degree to which the income can fall before the company is incapable to meet its yearly interest expense expenditures. However, the computed equation is EBIT / total interest payable: EBIT is used as the numerator as it is funded with pretax dollars. The company’s capability to pay will not be affected by the taxes. The EBITDA analysis ratio is EBITDA / total interest: This proportion is more comprehensive than the TIE proportion because it identifies that depreciation and payback are not expenses, so these aggregates are accessible to service debt, and lease expenses and principal refunds are fixed expenses.
For example, Brexit. Brexit refers to the UK retreat from the European Union, one of the most famous economic unions in the world. The economic implications of Brexit are numerous, ranging from the new tariff regulations to the regulated movement of people and animals through the newly established borders.
As for individuals, let's see the example of an EU citizen seeking a Master's degree in the UK. That student may face a different tuition fee when applying after Brexit.
These workers are called contingent workers
Contingent workers are the type of workers that hired per-project basis. This make up Freelancers, consultants, or contractors.
Since technically these workers are not a part of the company, the company is not require to give benefit to them like its full-time workers.
Answer: Unilateral contract.
A unilateral contract is a contract in which promise to fulfill a requirement is made only in one direction, when only the offeror makes a promise and the offeree is on the receiving end of the promise. In insurance the insurer is the only one who makes a promise while the insured is the one receiving the offer(and can break from the agreement at any time).The insurer is the offeror while the insured is the offeree.
Disappointed by airline industry and the services provided by airline industry is given below
1.Disappointed customerwill not only cost you money but will also create the possibility of bad word-of-mouth, which can affect future sales and money in your pocket.
2.In an airport environment, and in particular in a hub station with the high volume of connecting traffic and increased probability that you will experience some sort of service disruption, this is even more critical. When you get a sandwich you don’t like or your movie freezes or your bed is not made-up to your liking, you are upset and looking for someone to remedy the situation. Once you have established that you will not elevate your tone to match that of the irate customer, you need to do a few more things. You have to listen to the problem and try to see it through the eyes of the customer. He or she will tell you everything you need to know. The actual incident is never at the root of the behavior. The more you are able to convey your empathy for the situation the customer is in – “I was late coming in from New York and I missed the connecting flight to San Francisco, where my sister is getting married tomorrow morning.” – the greater the trust that will develop between you and the customer. More than anything, customers want someone from your company to understand the unfortunate circumstances they have been left in. They want to vent, they want to feel that you have understood and cared about their predicament, and they want a genuine apology. Lastly, they want a solution. They want to see you try to find a fix for their problems, and even if the result is not ideal, they will be brought back to a calm state by your efforts and communication. Maintain good eye contact, let them know what you’re doing, and try to deliver a solution that addresses their concerns. It is not always possible to do this, and companies generally employ a Customer Relations department to handle transactions such as refunds or compensation for situations where the employee and the customer were unable to reach an acceptable resolution at the first point of contact.
3.Essentially, an airline's hard product is the plane itself, and the airline's soft product is the service, food, and the drinks. Hard product can also be non-airplane constituents, such as lounge amenities. Consequently, the food and drinks in the lounge is soft product, while airline lounge showers are hard products.