read article 023 edward mcclelland
this should clear up all questions you have ;)
example of what a persen dose when they lose someone
I gazed out into the icy world, the ocean of ice I knew I needed to cross. I could see the last flickering light of civilization, the fires burning bright in the homes. I shivered, I needed to get there soon, or else I might just freeze to death. I still remember when the first snow came. me and my family, in California, thought it was a miracle, little did we know it was a curse. when the snow didn't let up, my father got out the generator. he huddled me and my mother in blankets, taking only one for himself. about a week later, I awoke to my father's cold hand on mine. his blood had frozen inside him. me and my mother cried ourselves to sleep that night. soon we were out of food. we needed to leave. we started to walk, taking all of our belongings with us. we joined a small group of people heading for the last of civilization. one by one, they all died, either frozen or picked off by the animals. eventually, I was the last one. on some days, I thought it would be better to just kneel over and die. but I made it. I'm alive, and soon I will be home.
This is the recipe for a banana split.
The given paragraph is a recipe for a banana split. It tells us what ingredients we need and what we should do with them to make a banana split. There's no information about what the banana split tastes like, though. Some toppings (chocolate, caramel, and strawberry syrups) and ice cream flavors (chocolate, vanilla, and strawberry) are listed, but that is not the point of the paragraph. These are only elements of the banana split recipe.