The two sentences which support the overall argument with facts are:
<em>- Statistics show that most vaccines are more than 90% effective in preventing diseases.</em>
<em>- However, when people are not vaccinated, they are at risk of catching diseases that others are immune to.</em>
These two sentences (above) present factual information like statistics and what the risks are when getting vaccinated and therefore support the argument with facts.
<em>The sentences in between these factual supporting sentences present additional information which help explain and elobarate on the factual information provided.</em>
Do is a command, in the past instructing.
Does is in the present, currently doing.
An inference is the interpretation arrived at after carefully examining an issue logically. The sentence which bests supports the statement above is sentence A.
Coral Cams are sometimes also referred to as web cams. In sentence A, creatures like coral reef fish, big nose unicorn fish, and big-bellied seahorse are all residents of the seas wild environment.