Choosing the wrong friends can lead to a range of problems. To begin with, if your buddies insult others or you, you may become accustomed to being treated badly and direct this energy onto your family. Bad friends may put pressure on you to do things you don't want to do, which could result in negative results. Friends who do not care about your well-being are unlikely to assist you, so you may distance yourself from your family, fearing that they share your sentiments and are uninterested in your well-being. Friends can be disrespectful about your family at times, and this can make you feel obligated to agree with them, which can lead to them being rude to their own family members.
The climate controls that best explains the difference in average daytime temperature variation from month to month between Seattle and Fargo as well as between Dublin and Moscow is latitude
- Latitude is simply known as the highest force behind differences in temperature which also are fluctuations in incoming solar radiation. It alters (change) the angle of the sun and length of daylight control of the global distribution of temperature.
The 2 factors that causes this alterations or changes in latitude are therefore sun angle and length of daylight.
- Latitudes is known to show how much of the changes or variation in average temperature at a fixed latitude, average daytime temperature variation and seasonal fluctuations in temperature.
Conclusively, we can say that The climate controls that best explains the difference in average daytime temperature variation from month to month between Seattle and Fargo as well as between Dublin and Moscow is latitude
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This is no Not equivalent
a average of at least 70%
*(The Answer)*= is 0 which is B
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