I could scarcely "contain" - <span>to keep under proper control; restrain:</span><span>(Example) He could not contain his <span>amusement.
*Note* already within the first eight words you can indicate phycotic feelings
"and he not even to dream of my secret deeds or thoughts"
(Definitions of "secret")
1. </span></span>faithful or cautious in keeping confidential matters confidential; close-mouthed; <span>reticent.
2. </span>done, made, or conducted without the knowledge of others:<span>secret <span>negotiations.
Conclusion </span></span>statement:
Edgar Allan. Poe is mentally psychotic, thought the whole short passage he basically supports my own theory for himself.
(Dictionary was used in the making of this answer)
Tax and trade reforms allowed Russia to expand its treasury between the year 1680 and 1724. Peter the Great's legislation covered every aspect of life in Russia, and his reforms contributed greatly to Russia's military successes and the increase in profit revenue and productivity of the nations workers.
Hope this helps!!!!
C because most politicians only think about themselves. only and love money only about cash most people are poor but we have people who we call our leaders people who dont care about citizens
These words were said to Creon when Oedipus accused him of treason, because Creon had information that pointed out Oedipus as the murderer of his own father.
This happened because Oedipus sent Creon to the oracle of Apollo, to obtain revelations about who was the assassin of King Laios, whom Oedipus did not know was his biological father. Creon arrived with the information that Laios' killer was among them, among the royal family. Oedipus powerfully seeks the killer, but all the clues point to him. Unhappy, Edipo claims that Creonte is lying, that he is a traitor who wishes to usurp the throne and that he deserves death for that.