His “white eyes writhing in his face”, “his hanging face”, the blood jolts “gargling from the froth-corrupted lungs” — all are expressive of the tragic situation the soldiers have to face in war. So, imagery is the device the poet has employed in the poem 'Dulce et Decorum Est' to convey his anti-war message.
Parris asks Abigail about what had happened in the woods that night. He asks if there was witchcraft involved and if there was somebody naked dancing in the woods.
what do you want to do in this question
Yes ! movies because we want ourself to entertain
Answer: Some literary critics point out that Lago has devilish characteristics.
Lago is the opposite of the divine. Medieval and Renaissance performances of the devil characterize this Shakespearean character. Lago is a liar, telling an imaginative story to manipulate people and bring them to destruction, and sees the most significant vulnerabilities of others and uses them to destroy them. Lago does it all out of love for evil.
He loves when others serve him, especially when they do it unconsciously. Because of his obsession and control over other people, every segment of his life will be imbued with these characteristics. Lago always destroys other lives to ruin his own ultimately. Lago is a hypocrite and a destructive person.