U.S. participation in NATO was a break with tradition, since the United States for the first time set itself up to automatically get involved in foreign conflicts--something that was very unnerving for a country of people who for most of American's history had been very isolationist.
they never really interacted much with the west except for stuff like the silk road.
Because the Turks see the Hagia Sophia as an important artifact. Also, a tradition from the Ottoman times states that Islam is the fulfiller of Judaism and Christianity, and they are all Abrahamic and that no division should take place between the three. So, the Turkish government has taken this duty into their hands and are now preserving the Hagia Sophia for the younger generations of the world to see how the Turkish government and holy Muslims want to keep peace between the religions of the world, and not only that, but how the Turkish government preserved these artifacts to show the later generations of the world intact history.
The Anti-Federalists found many problems in the Constitution. They argued that the document would give the country an entirely new and untested form of government. They saw no sense in throwing out the existing government. Instead, they believed that the Federalists had over-stated the current problems of the country. They also maintained that the Framers of the Constitution had met as an elitist group under a veil of secrecy and had violated the provisions of the Articles of Confederation in the means selected for ratification of the Constitution.<span>
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