An unintentional injury is an injury inflicted upon a person without the suspect's purpose of a motive whereas intentional is the opposite and the suspect has a motive behind the injury.
Intentional: Mark decides to get revenge on Matt for flirting with his girlfriend. He picks up the golf putter at their nightly outting of Go-Go Golf and smacks the metal end down on Matt's collarbone. The force cracks his collarbone.
Unintentional: Maria is driving but is slightly under the influence. She sees a man crossing the road in the middle of the night and attempts to swerve out of the way. She clips his calves and heels, causing burns/lacerations on his legs, but he is otherwise okay.
The correct answer is A. When the subject of a sentence is singular, add "_s" to the base form.
An easy example is "to exist", the base form is "exist" and A strawberry exists shows that you add s when a singular subject is used.
Tripod can be used
Tripod can be used. ( Tripod is a three-legged stand that can be used to support a camera.)
If your camera is more stable then it can spend more time on one photo and consequently it can take in more light. In this way, flash is not required. A reflecting shield can also be used to direct the sunlight directly on the object.