A ballpoint pen that changes itself into a sword. The name of this pen / sword is Riptide
Based on her letter to her niece, Austen can't believe that her niece is truly "in love". Austen believes that her feelings were simply due to the proximity of the man and because of it, she can't say that she is truly "in love". She mistakes her emotions towards the man as something that is deeper, love.
Society during those times doesn't believe and allow women to think for themselves. They equate women, particularly wives, as extensions of their husbands and because of such thinking, society believes that women can't think on their own and must do her husband's bidding.
it a because I did the same thing and ik it right
People have often wondered if William Shakespeare had any involvement in the most important writing project of his time, the translation and prepartation of the King James Bible. Although there are no ways to verify this, at least one set of clues indicates Shakespeare probably had some involvement with at least the Old Testament part of the book.
William Shakespeare lived from 1564-1616. The creation of the King James Bible began in the year 1610, the year in which Shakespeare would have been 46 years old.
If you turn to Psalm 46 in the King James Bible, and if you count exactly 46 words into the psalm, you find the word "shake." If you count 46 words back from the end of that psalm, you will find the word "spear."
It just seems too coincidental to think that it was by fluke circumstances that the 46th Psalm would be translated around the time of Shakespeare's 46th birthday and that the 46th word from the start and the 46th word from the end would be "shake" and "spear." My professional opinion is, Shakespeare translated that section of the King James Bible and he slipped in a secret byline to prove it was his work.
Dr. Dennis E. Hensley is director of the professional writing department at Taylor University in Upland, Indiana. He holds four degrees in linguistics and literature, including a Ph.D. in English from Ball State University. He is the author of 52 books.