A. a slow, repetitive pattern and sudden chaos
The celebration was not a VICTORY OF PARTY but a CELEBRATION OF FREEDOM.
Unlike in the American Revolution, every celebration was a victory party against their enemies. The Celebration of freedom is a party that everyone is enjoying because of their forebears fought for freedom against the oppressors.
Here is a part of the speech that will signifies the difference and call to action to the men of today:
"The world is very different now. For man holds in his mortal hands the power to abolish all forms of human poverty and all forms of human life. And yet the same revolutionary beliefs for which our forebears fought are still at issue around the globe--the belief that the rights of man come not from the generosity of the state but from the hand of God.
Marie Antoinette was most known for her four words, "Let them eat cake." After finding that the peasants lacked food, some believe Marie Antoinette responded, "Let them Eat Cake." Despite the fact that historians claim there is no proof that Marie Antoinette ever spoke the words "let them eat cake," this phrase has always been remembered as one of the most renowned in French history. Brioche, a French pastry, is more costly than bread since it is prepared from dough enriched with eggs and butter. When notified that her French citizens lacked bread about 1789, Marie-Antoinette replied, "Qu'ils mangent de la brioche," which means, "Let them eat cake." This quotation is said to have been spoken during one of the famines that struck France during her husband's reign, Louis XVI.She was the fourteenth daughter of Holy Roman Emperor Francis I and Empress Maria Theresa. Marie was born in Vienna, Austria, on November 2, 1755. Marie Antoinette was despised by the French since she was not a native of the country (Detroit, Gale 1998). Marie's siblings were all given the name Maria Theresa after their mother. Maria Antonia Joephine was Marie Antoinette's name throughout her childhood (lotz, Nancy 2005).
I think that should be enough.
Sincerely, Cassie.
Answer: The rhyme emphasizes the speaker's joy at being among the flowers.Mar 14, 2019
A story intended to be performed before an audience by actors on a stage. The script of a dramatic work may include stage directions that explain how characters should look, "speak, move and behave. The script might also specify details of the setting and scenery, such as lighting, props, and sound effects.A drama may be divided into acts, which may also be broken up into scenes, indicating changes in location or the passage of time.
Hope that helps :)