September 1, 1939 Germany invades Poland , initiating WW2 in Europe. September 3, 1939 Honoring their guarantee of Poland's borders, Great Britain and France declare war on Germany. September 17, 1939 The Soviet Union invades Poland from the east. September 27–29, 1939 Warsaw surrenders on September 27.
Dear Diary,
i don't like it, i want it to stop! just because my hair is pure white for unknown reasons, everybody looks at me and me, i don't even have any friends unlike i did in primary school. Its not fair! everyone else is so pretty and perfect... then theres me... Kate 'white hag' Greteen.
From Kate Greteen.
i literally wrote this in 2 minutes so ya know
they guarantee the ability to bear arms. Hope this helps!
claim on the left and the evidence on the bottom
He ran into a burning church to save children he never met before