The capital city was moved to the south with the RESIDENCE ACT ON JULY 6, 1790.
Owning intellectual property helps you protect from others using something identical or similar to your creation, brand or product, and can also create new sources of revenue should you desire to license your goods or services out to third parties.
An "Arms Race" was a race between the 2 super powers to develop weapons of massive destruction which were considered High Class Destruction Weapons. United Socialist Soviet Republics have developed weapons like Inter Continental Ballistic missiles of Medium and Trans-Continental ranges as well as a devastating and terrifying weapon known as the Tsar Bomba which is 57 megatons, 1,500 times more devastating then a bomb on dropped Hiroshima. In fact the Tsar Bomba could leave an explosion behind bigger then all the ammunition, bombs, torpedoes and other weapons used in World War 2 by all countries combined.
I was thinking A also, but on one of the brainly's it says D.. so idk.. and quizlet says " NOT a"
I think the Western and Eastern Cross Timbers