<span>Foreign investors owned a greater amount US stocks, bonds, and factories than investors in the US owned of assets in foreign markets.
In 1985, the <em>New York Times</em> reported, "U.S. Turns into Debtor Nation," because a Commerce Department report showed the US "owing foreigners more then they owe it." By that they meant that "foreign ownership of American factories, real estate, stocks and bonds exceeded American ownership of foreign assets."
However, there's another way to look at this picture than the "debtor nation" label. The Heritage Foundation (a conservative group) noted in 1985 that having foreign investors pursuing assets in the United States indicated strong confidence by those investors in </span><span>the </span>American<span> economy. You invest in a country's assets because you think those assets will grow in value. So, becoming a "debtor nation" can be viewed as a sign of economic health in the eyes of the rest of the world.</span>
The word you should have received was:
<span> On 1963, month of August, more than two
hundred thousand people joined the March on Washington in order to support the
civil rights legislation. Civil rights
is the abolishing of the discrimination for the black people living in America
and to have an equal rights to the white.</span>
<span>Slave states <span>Year
</span></span><span>Missouri 1821 <span>Maine
Workers mostly sell their labor in order to "<span>a. earn income" since those who employ them must pay them a wage, which they can use to buy food, recourses, etc. for themselves and their families. </span>