First off, this isn't really a yes or no question, this is an opinion.
My opinion is that photos that have been altered in any way should be marked. These days you never know what a person will do to say, get a job, advance a political agenda, or ruin the reputation of another person. The public has the right to the truth. Therefore, altered pictures should be marked or labeled in a way that differentiates them from others.
a rattle
it is a percussion instrument
The scale is represented by numbers ranging from 0 to 14 where 7 is neutral. Greater than 7 on the pH scale is more alkaline and less than 7 is more acidic. The pH of hair ranges between 4.5 – 5.5. Lye relaxers range from 12 – 14 and no-lye relaxers range from 9 – 11
The correct answer is C: Richard Wagner
<span>"Gesamtkunstwerk" was a work of art translated as "total art" which makes use of all or many art forms to do so. Richard Wagner used the term in two essays in 1849, and the word has been associated with his aesthetic ideals.</span>